Exemplary Writers

Voting identification and voting rights

Voting identification and voting rights

I.                     Introduction: context of voting id laws (in Texas, or US overall)—history of controversies related to voting id laws; THESIS CLAIM at end of introduction paragraph

II.                   First reason why you believe id laws are/are not suppression

a.       Specific example to support this reason (and citation if needed)

b.       Discussion/elaboration on why the example suits your first reason

c.       Benefits of this perspective (What will your audience gain by agreeing with you?)

III.                 Second reason why you believe id laws are/are not suppression

a.       Specific example to support this reason (and citation if needed)

b.       Discussion/elaboration on why the example suits your second reason

c.       Benefits of this perspective (What will your audience gain by agreeing with you?)

IV.                Attempt to answer the opposing view

a.       What do you anticipate your opposition will say? Why is this perspective limited or overly simplified?

b.       What do you acknowledge as worthwhile in their opposition to your view? Why?

c.       What needs to shift about this opposition to help them understand your perspective? Why?

V.                  Conclusion: Call to Action

a.       What do you wish your audience would do in order to support your claim? What is your ultimate goal in writing this persuasive essay?

b.       What final thoughts do you want to leave your audience with? Why? A concise quote that gets to the heart of your claim would be good to use here, especially if it was said by a pivotal person in the voting rights debate.









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