Exemplary Writers

Final Project Part 1: Culture Analysis Paper

Due April 27

Final Project Part 1: Culture Analysis Paper

This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of course outcomes:

  1. apply knowledge of the levels, components, and development of culture to inform decision making about organizational practices
  2. analyze and describe the impact of organizational culture on performance

You will be asked to analyze an organizational culture. This could be the organization you work with, or it could be some other organization to which you have access. Remember that clubs, associations, and churches can be considered organizations.

Research (data gathering) should include (but does not need to be limited to)  mainly primary sources.


Primary data is the data collected by the researcher themselves, i.e.


  1. interview
  2. observation
  3. action research
  4. case studies
  5. life histories
  6. questionnaires
  7. ethnographic research


Secondary sources are data that already exists


  1. Previous research
  2. Official statistics
  3. Mass media products
  4. Diaries
  5. Letters
  6. Government reports
  7. Web information
  8. Historical data and information


Collect your data and analyze it. Describe how you collected the data (observation, interviews, surveys).

Then, analyze the organizational culture along three dimensions: artifacts, values, and underlying assumptions. Give examples of behavior, speech, or symbols that illustrate your findings. This paper should be 5-8 pages in length. Any data used (interviews, surveys, websites, etc.) should be attached as appendices. You should use at least 3 course resources.

Final project part 2: Change Management Plan (presentation)

This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of course outcomes:

  1. apply knowledge of the levels, components, and development of culture to inform decision making about organizational practices
  2. analyze and describe the impact of organizational culture on performance

Based on your last paper, create a change-management plan. Put yourself in the position of a consultant making recommendations to the CEO of the organization. For this presentation, you should follow the 8 step Change Process by John Kotter that we read about in week 6. Make sure that in your recommendations you address each of the eight steps and how they apply to your organization specifically.

Present your recommendations in a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides. State how the organization can be better prepared to meet the needs and challenges of the future. Defend your argument by using resources to support it.

Your presentation should include the following (at a minimum):

1)  an evaluation of the current situation (current culture)

2) an analysis of how the culture should change in order to better address the needs of the future (be specific!)

3) choose one cultural change that needs to happen in the organization. Provide recommendations on how to implement the change, based on Kotter’s 8 step change process.

4) justification and support for the recommended changes, based on both your own observations and the literature (at least three sources)




This assignment counts for 25% of your course grade

Rubic Information:

Cultural Elements


Description, evaluation, and analysis demonstrate a thorough understanding of the core cultural elements of artifacts, values, and assumptions. Student clearly understands each level and can provide examples of each.

Understanding of the culture


Research skills demonstrated. Student has gained understanding of culture through primary sources. Evidence of original data collection. Paper clearly explains how the culture impacts the objectives/behavior of the organization

Illustrate the culture of the organization


Three to four relevant examples are provided that illustrate the culture of the organization; examples are taken from author’s original data gathering which is attached in the appendix.

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