Exemplary Writers

Week 6 Assignment: Outline Final Draft

For the final outline, continue conducting research for your presentation, locating specific scholarly sources to include on your references page as needed.

Include and submit the following components:

  • Page 1
    • Title page (title of speech, name of presenter, audience prepared for – school or institution, date). You can use this information to create your first slide in PowerPoint.
  • Pages 2-3
    • General topic, specific topic, thesis statement (one sentence)
    • Introduction paragraph (written out)
    • Body in outline format using complete sentences
    • Summary or conclusion paragraph
  • Pages 4-5
    • 5 visuals to be used in your PowerPoint
      • Beneath each visual describe why you selected this visual and how you plan to use this visual in your PowerPoint.
      • Paste the images onto the document. Do not simply provide a URL for each image.
  • Page 6
    • References page with minimum of 4 authoritative, outside scholarly sources.
      • These sources can include the sources referenced during Week 5, but you are free to change those sources if they are no longer serving as support for your PowerPoint.
      • Anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable.
      • References must be written in APA format with hanging indents, in alphabetical order, and with everything double spaced. The word “references” should be centered.
      • Include copyrighted image resources in this list. You can copy and paste these citations to use as the last slide in your PowerPoint.
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