Exemplary Writers

Week 2: Discussion: J.L.

The initial post must include responses to all the questions in this discussion.

JL, a 50-year-old woman, was camping with her 3 children and spouse, fell and broke the left tibia at the ankle. She is in the emergency department, waiting for the fracture to be immobilized. The leg hurts and she note that the ankle is swelling. A diagnosis of a simple fracture and sprain (damage to ligaments) is made.

Discussion Questions

  1. What is the cause of pain and swelling? What can JL expect in the days to come as inflammation resolves and healing begins?
  2. What is the rationale for immobilizing the fractured bone?

JL’s son Matt, age 10 years, has a runny nose and itchy eyes and is irritable. The camping tent was set up in a grassy field, and the boys played several games on the field. Matt is also seen by a health care provider and a diagnosis of allergy to pollen is made.

Explain the rationale for each of Matt’s symptoms.

  1. Identify the type of immune response involved.
  2. Discuss what Matt can expect in the future.
Weekly Outcomes Weekly Objectives
  1. Explore alterations in structure and function of defense mechanisms. (COs 1 and 3)
  2. Trace the impact of alterations in defense mechanisms on homeostasis. (CO 2)
  3. Summarize the impact of altered defenses on the individual. (CO 3)
  1. Understand inflammation, healing, infection, immunity, and neoplasms and cancer.
  2. Apply growth and development principles as they relate to the impact of aging on the pathophysiologic changes.
  3. Compare and contrast processes of inflammatory and healing processes, alterations in immune responses, and pathological processes of the immune system.
  4. Apply understanding of alterations in inflammatory and healing processes and across the lifespan to formulate care priorities.
  5. Describe how genetics influence pathophysiological alterations in healing, immunologic responses, and integumentary system.
  6. Explain carcinogenesis, risk factors, stages of tumor development, and preventive strategies.
Main Topics and Concepts Sub-Concepts with Exemplar
  1. Alterations in inflammation and healing processes
  2. Environmental influences on lines of defense
  3. Alterations in immunity and immune responses
    1. Neoplasms and cancer
    2. Stress and associated problems
  1. Cellular adaptation: squamous cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and Kaposi’s sarcoma
  2. Fluids and electrolytes: dehydration and age considerations across the lifespan
  3. Immunity: inflammatory skin disorders
  4. Infection: wounds; abscess; viral and fungal; respiratory
  5. Inflammation: acute and chronic conditions
  6. Metabolism: negative nitrogen balance and protein deficiencies
  7. Mobility and immobility: age, pain, cancer; fractures and osteoarthritis
  8. Nutrition: vitamin deficiencies; anorexia
  9. Oxygenation: anemia and hemoglobin and hematocrit levels
  10. Perfusion: diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis
  11. Sensory perception: cataracts
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